Summer Honors/AP Physics 1

Start Date: 09/18/2022 Time: Call Us: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Days: Sunday

Details: Each class meets Monday-Friday for 2 hours every day. The course spans three weeks in August.

Prepare your child for success in Honors/AP Physics with our comprehensive three-week summer course. Designed to cover the essential topics of kinematics and dynamics, this program ensures students develop a strong foundation in fundamental physics principles.

About Course

Summer Science: Honors/AP Physics 1 (Algebra-Based)

NOTE: Students will have option to continue this curriculum with the same teacher during the school year. Starting in September, classes meet every Sunday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Galileo Galilei had been a man of inquiry all throughout his life. From inventing a novel telescope design to discovering the moons of Jupiter, he made many contributions to what we now know as physics and astronomy. Yet for as intelligent and inquisitive as he was, he did not escape persecution. In 1633 Galileo was nearly imprisoned for advocating his views that the earth revolves around the sun, not the other way around as contended by the Catholic Church at the time. For a man who stuck so adamantly to his supposedly flawed paradigms, a man who rebelled so voraciously against the ebbing tide of society, he must have been viewed as crazy, as wrong. So too were the likes of Newton, Einstein, and every great physicist to live.

Physics is a subject for the curious. Its study offers not only satisfaction but invites the student into a never-ending cycle of wonder and discovery. One does not need to be “smart” not fall into the trope of classic physicists to enjoy and succeed in learning physics, only be willing to ask hard questions that others don’t and work even harder to find the answers.

Whether it is at the honors or AP level, this course is an essential for students wishing to enter an engineering or physical sciences field, and it provides an invaluable supplement to the education of any child no matter their career. More importantly, it serves as a fundamental basis for biology and chemistry, each to be built off of as the student discovers a passion for real world applications of all three fields.

If you are interested in the course, more information can be found in the curriculum or on CollegeBoard (AP).


What I will learn?

  • Academic advantage over the summer with early preparation
  • Mastering key concepts
  • Developing strong study habits
  • Building confidence for the upcoming school year
  • Help alleviate stress during the academic year while gaining good grades in the marking period
  • Helpful for those taking AP Physics next school year

Summer Honors/AP Physics 1

Prepare your child for success in Honors/AP Physics with our comprehensive three-week summer course. Designed to cover the essential topics of kinematics and dynamics, this program ensures students develop a strong foundation in fundamental physics principles.
