Summer Regular/Honors/AP Biology

Start Date: 09/18/2022 Time: Call Us: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Days: Sunday

Details: Each class meets Monday-Friday for 2 hours every day. The course spans three weeks in August.

Gain an academic advantage this summer by enrolling your child in our biology course. From regular to AP, this course presents a fun and engaging introduction to high school biology.

About Course

Summer Science: Regular/Honors/AP Biology

NOTE: Students will have option to continue this curriculum with the same teacher during the school year. Starting in September, classes meet every Sunday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

In 1856, Gregor Mendel began his famous experiments into the science behind breeding pea plants, laying the path to become the “Father of Genetics.” Just three years later, Charles Darwin published his revolutionary On the Origin of Species, a book that would introduce the concept of natural selection and transform human understanding of the very nature of survival.

Biology is full of interesting questions and ever more interesting answers on how the natural world works, ranging from the most miniscule phytoplankton in the sea to the great millenium forests to our very own selves. In this course, students will have an opportunity to dip their toes into the machinations of ecosystems, including population and community ecology.

Whether it is at the regular, honors or AP level, this course is an essential for students wishing to enter a healthcare or life sciences field, and it provides an invaluable supplement to the education of any child no matter their career. More importantly, it serves as a basis and contextualization for the other facets of science, namely chemistry and physics, to build off of as the student discovers a passion for real world applications of all three fields.

If you are interested in the course, more information can be found in the curriculum or on CollegeBoard (AP).


What I will learn?

  • Academic advantage over the summer with early preparation
  • Mastering key concepts
  • Developing strong study habits
  • Building confidence for the upcoming school year
  • Help alleviate stress during the academic year while gaining good grades in the marking period
  • Helpful for those taking AP Biology next school year.
Honors Biology Prep

Summer Regular/Honors/AP Biology

Gain an academic advantage this summer by enrolling your child in our biology course. From regular to AP, this course presents a fun and engaging introduction to high school biology.
